Saliva Drug Testing or oral fluid drug screening is one of the most commonly accepted yet powerful methods for employers and companies to ensure a safe, productive, and drug-free work environment in their offices. After all, drug abuse has always been a primary concern for the corporate domain on the global scale and conducting a pre-employment saliva drug screening test is the right way to find out a non-drug-addictive employee.
Saliva Drug Testing
Detecting Capabilities Of Saliva Drug Test
Drug and alcohol testing can be conducted using a number of methods like urine test, sweat test, blood test, and hair follicle test. While urine drug testing has been the most common type of procedure used for screening of drugs in employment premises; saliva testing has recently become popular because of its painlessness and inexpensiveness. Drugs that can be identified by Saliva Drug Testing process may include, but not limited to:
Benefits Of Oral Drug Testing